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Learning Portal

What is the Learning Portal, and how to find it?

Nikola Jonic avatar
Written by Nikola Jonic
Updated over 4 months ago

All learning materials and courses in one place, user-friendly design and experience - Meet the Learning Portal!

You can access the Learning Portal by clicking on the 'Learn' button in the top navigation or by clicking on the 'Go to Learning Portal' button located on the banner card on your tester dashboard.

The Learning Portal is a dedicated page on our platform that contains all the courses and activities you can unlock as a tester at Test IO.

The Learning Portal consists of several different sections, which are:

  • Onboarding modules and courses

    • If you are in the onboarding phase, you will need to complete the mandatory modules in order to unlock more opportunities and activities. The mandatory modules for passing the Onboarding are: Add languages, Add devices, and Exploratory Testing course which consist of 4 modules (Bug Types, How to find bugs?, Bug Report Attachments, and Bug Reports). Additionally, we highly recommend completing the Advanced profile information part. Doing so will enhance your profile and increase your chances of matching with more relevant testing projects.

  • Activities

    • Here, you will find all the activities available on the Test IO platform. To unlock them, you will need to meet the required conditions.

      To see the conditions for each activity, click on the 'Lock' icon or the text next to it, which will open a popover menu displaying the information about which condition is needed to unlock the specific activity. Some activities will require course completion first, and these can be found in the section below.

  • Get more opportunities with these courses

    • In this section, you will see all available courses that must be completed in order to unlock more activities and opportunities. Similar to the activities, there are conditions that must be met in order to unlock each course. To see the conditions for each course, click on the 'Lock' icon or the text next to it.

  • Completed

    • All completed courses and modules will move to the "Completed" section as soon as you finish with them.

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