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Quick Start Guide

A quick overview of the information you need before you start testing

Nikolas Fantoni avatar
Written by Nikolas Fantoni
Updated over a week ago


We are so happy you have decided to join our tester community!

This quick start guide is meant to cover the basics and enable you to be successful in the onboarding course.


When a developing team works on a project, unintentional behaviours can be added to the product. The tester job consists of testing products simulating a real user looking for these development errors, called bugs, validating implementations, and checking the product health based on the original product requirements.

At Test IO, you will work with crowd-testing on web, mobile and IoT products for our many customers. Our main goal is to deliver the best results based on the customers’ interests and requirements for each test cycle.

Onboarding Courses

To get your Test IO career going, after registering an account, you first need to complete Onboarding courses. They can be found on your dashboard. These courses will teach you many basics that you will need to know for the tasks. After completing the courses, you will have all the basic knowledge required to start looking for bugs on real-world websites. You are not required to have any previous experience to start working with us but completing our training phases is mandatory to see real customer cycles and start getting paid for your work. More information about each course can be found when you start them!

Our Tester Academy

We compiled all the general knowledge you’ll need to work at Test IO in our Tester Academy. The information is given through articles organized in different collections. The academy will be your best source of information about our general rules; we recommend you bookmark it so you can quickly consult it whenever you’re unsure about your next steps.

Remember, you can always use the Search feature to look for any specific information.

The onboarding interface

You'll see the dashboard as soon as you finish the first registration steps. You must select the “Start course” option in one of the available courses and complete it if you want to start working on real-world paid cycles. The two initial courses are Bug Reproductions and Exploratory Testing. After completing each of them individually, you will already start receiving invites for real-world customer cycles, but if you want to work on both tasks, you will need to pass both courses. After completing them, you’ll have passed the Onboarding phase and will start the Greenhorn phase. More courses will be available to you once you are a greenhorn, and more tasks will be available after completing them, unlocking more ways to earn money.

Recommended articles

Once you start, all the relevant articles for each course will be shown. However, we’ve created a list with the most important ones here if you want to start checking on them right now. Although we highly recommend you read them in the following order, you can start with any more interesting article.

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