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Test IO Campaigns

Quickly learn how to join the first specialized testing campaign

Zorica Micanovic avatar
Written by Zorica Micanovic
Updated over 3 months ago

How to join the Test IO Campaign

Earning as a tester at Test IO has never been easier than it is now. You can start it without passing the Onboarding program by joining using Test IO Campaigns.

The process itself couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is to:

1. Click on the link you have got from the referrer

2. Follow the short sign-up process

3. Visit your tester’s Dashboard

4. Add Devices you will be using for testing

5. Add Languages you speak

To access the campaign, click on the View Details button on the Campaign card. A welcoming screen will open, and you will see all relevant info about the campaign: important pre-read, requested devices, and requested language.

In the case that your tester profile doesn’t match the requirements for requested devices or languages, you will see a warning message bar displayed at the top informing you that you can add more devices or languages to your tester profile by clicking on the Add devices and Add languages buttons. A similar message will be displayed in red font within the Campaign card before you click on the View details button.

A tester who signs up through a custom campaign link automatically will join the project-specific campaign and he will start receiving test invitations for this campaign.

Specialized testers will skip onboarding and courses, they are automatically approved for all tasks. Also, Specialized testers are pushed straight into the running test of the product after sign-up (provided that they have added relevant devices and languages).

Active campaigns

Testers who are part of an active campaign will see the new section on their tester dashboards "Active Campaigns" that contains campaign cards. In this section, testers can get an overview of all campaigns they are currently part of and access campaign details.

On the campaign detail page, testers can see the campaign name, description (the "Welcome message" field in the manager interface), requested devices, requested languages, and past campaign tests (if any). The "Requested devices" and "Requested languages" fields are populated based on the running tests of the campaign or the default product settings in case there are no running tests. In order to make sure that testers can join campaign tests, we are offering a system of warnings for testers if they have a missing device or language and therefore are blocked from receiving campaign test invitations.

The campaign test invitations, the tester will be able to see under "Available tests" on their tester dashboard.

How to accept the test once you join the Campaign

Once you join the Campaign, you will receive the invitations for the tests related to the Campaign. To join the test, click on the test cycle card, read the test cycle instructions and make sure that you understand them perfectly.

Now, scroll up and click on the checkbox next to the I've read all instructions and agree to be an active tester and click on the Yes, I will test! button.

How to start the Test Session

In order to submit bugs, reproductions, User Stories and Test Cases in the test you accepted to participate, you need to start the Test Session. At the top of the Test Overview page you will find a red button to start the Test Session.

Click on it and in the New Test Session select the time you want to dedicate to testing.

The maximum length of one Test Session is 4 hours. If you need more time to test the product, you can start a new session or extend the running one. The Annotations/What are you planing to test and how? field is optional and if you like, you can mention how do you plan to test the product, which techniques will you be using and what would be your focus in that particular Test Session.

Note: In the case that for some reason you are not able to start the Test Session from your desktop device, please download the testNow app, install it to your smartphone and access the test cycle through the app. On the Test Overview page you will see Start Session button. Tap on it and then select the duration of the Test Session like it was described above.

How to submit bugs

Once you find the bug that is in the scope of the test, you can submit a bug by clicking on the Submit bug button. You can find it in the bottom left corner. Make sure that the bug you are about to submit is not on the list of the Known bugs or already submitted by your fellow tester.

To learn how to write a bug report that meets our requirements, please refer to the article listed here.

How to continue testing with Test IO once the Campaign you participated in is over

After the specialized campaign ends, you don’t need to end your journey on our platform. Instead of quitting, we suggest you pass the Exploratory Course and become a regular tester on our platform.

In the section Learning Opportunities you will find the info on how to join our regular testing Community. Once you pass the Onboarding and become an approved tester, you will be able to join the test cycles, to claim the Bug Fix Confirmations and Bug Report Confirmations. The benefits of becoming an approved tester on our platform are numerous, and the career growth path is broad.

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