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Tester Profile Settings
Zorica Micanovic avatar
Written by Zorica Micanovic
Updated over 4 months ago

Rushing yourself to start testing immediately mostly leads to some mistakes that will cost you in a short or long team but forgetting to properly fill in your Tester Profile with enough information will cause you to miss some important projects that we might offer you in the future.
For that reason, we decided to guide you through the process of completing your Tester Profile Settings step by step.
To access your Tester Profile Settings, click on the Gear icon in the top right of your Tester Dashboard.

Step 1: Profile tab

In the Profile tab of your Tester Profile Settings, you can add your personal details, hobbies & interests, acknowledge that you have a driving license and add languages you speak.

Step 2: Skills & Experience tab

In the Skills & Experience tab, you can add information about your experience in testing and programming, state if you are interested in payment testing, and share details about your current employment status and your education level.

Step 3: Locale Options tab

In the Locale Options tab, you can select your time zone and your preferred language: English or German.

Step 4: Account tab

In the Account tab, you can request to change your password or delete your Account.

Step 5: Notifications tab

In the Notifications tab, you can select your preferred Notifications Settings for WebApp, Email and testNow App. For WebApp and testNow App, Settings can be changed by clicking on the toggle buttons. Notification Settings for Email can be changed using the drop-down and there are several options available:

  • Immediately

  • As hourly digest

  • As daily digest and

  • Never

By properly configuring your Tester Profile Settings you will increase your chances to participate in the exciting test cycles and activities. If you disable your Email notifications, you will end up joining the test cycles late or not being able to join the test because all the seats are already taken by other testers.

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