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Let me introduce: Team Leader Ivan
Let me introduce: Team Leader Ivan

Interview with Team Leader Ivan

Irina Lebedzeva avatar
Written by Irina Lebedzeva
Updated over a week ago

Team Leader Ivan

Hello, Ivan. Please tell us about yourself.

I am from Donetsk, Ukraine. I graduated from Donetsk University in 2007. My University specialty is not related to IT. All my knowledge in the IT sphere I got (and still continue to get) online. Luckily, nowadays there are so many educational resources on the internet. So, it is not a problem to learn almost any subject online. All my life I play football (or rather futsal). There were even a few years in my life when I played professionally in the Ukrainian futsal league. So, this is my primary hobby. I read a lot, primarily in English. Among recently read books I really enjoyed "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. It is a really fun and pleasant book.

How did your journey at test IO start?

I registered at test IO as a tester in May 2017. At that moment, I didn't have any experience in QA Testing area. Though I had some basic programming skills. During first two months I mostly submitted reproductions. With a time, I get familiar with a platform and started to report my own bugs. At this point, I understood that I like this job very much and decided to make it my primary occupation. I started to grow my knowledges about testing: read books, articles, and blogs about testing. It helped me a lot to improve quality of my reports and increase acceptance rate. Now, I still continue to self-educate - it is a permanent non-stopping process for me. Luckily, there is enough useful resources in web. During next three years, I worked hard as a tester. And I got more than 5000 approved bugs for this time. In March 2020, I got a proposal to become a Team Leader, and of course I agreed.

What is your favourite part about being a TL? What is the hardest thing?

I like almost all sides of my job. Except, of course, rejections. This is the hardest part - explaining to the tester why his/her report can't be approved. In rejection comments, I always try to clearly explain the reason, and if possible, provide some additional information that will help the tester to avoid similar mistakes in the future

What is the most important for you when you review bug reports?

I think I will be not very original answering this question. The first thing I look at is the quality of the bug. For me, it is very important that report meet Academy requirements. Title must be clear enough to get a basic understanding of the problem. Steps should be described in details, so everyone could reproduce the bug even without watching screencast. Actual and expected results also have to be informative and contain useful information. Not just repeating that was typed in title and steps. Attachments also need to meet all the academy requirements and show scenario described in report.

Please give some advice to newbies (and not only)

My advice is very obvious, but nevertheless very important - always carefully read all the test instructions, and always follow all the academy requirements while submitting bug reports. These simple rules will help to avoid unnecessary rejections.

How can you describe yourself in two words?

I am a very cheerful and kind person.

Please, describe your work environment.

Mostly, I work from home. My main device is iMac desktop. And there are always a lot of other devices on my desk - smartphones and tablets. Because I never know which device I will need while reviewing the next bug . I can also easily work from almost any part of the world, which is one of the greatest advantages of being a freelancer.

If you could witness any event from the past, present or future, which would you choose?

I would like to attend the final match of Football World Cup. I hope it will happen someday!

What skill would you like to learn and why?

Currently, I am very passionate about learning languages. Apart from Ukrainian, English, and Russian, I also know a bit of German. And I am learning Spanish now. My primary goal for the next few years - be fluent in all these languages.

Do you have pets?

Yes, I have two cats. They are very different, but both are adorable, each in its special way.

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