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Let me introduce: Team Leader Andrey
Let me introduce: Team Leader Andrey

Interview with Team Leader Andrey

Irina Lebedzeva avatar
Written by Irina Lebedzeva
Updated over a week ago

Team Leader Andrey

Hello, Andrey! Please tell us about yourself.

I am from Vilnius, Lithuania. Studied in Moscow MIPT, worked for Russian Academy of Science, PhD in computer aerodynamics. Then moved to US. Worked for software companies as system architect, program manager, development director, product owner. After the end of my corporate career returned back to Vilnius and while looking for a remote job, found test.IO.

What qualities do you think make a good tester?

Common sense and ability to pay attention to details.

What is the most difficult thing in the work of Team Leader?

The biggest challenge for TLs is impossibility of work load planning. You may sit idle for several days, and then suddenly get tests for 16+ hours non-stop work. This is unpredictable and very intrusive into personal life.

What is most important to you when you evaluate bug reports?

User impact. I always evaluate first how the issue impacts the app/site user.

Please give some advice to novice testers.

My advice to testers is to be careful with Critical severity. If a bug is Critical, the customer has to stop production and roll back to the previous version of the system. Or to call out the lead developer from vacation and make them work 24 hours a day until it is fixed. If there is no need to do so, the bug is only High.

Also do not hunt for silly bugs as buying a million of items or searching with a # symbol. Understand how the site/app works and exercise real use cases!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What is your ideal vacation?

Outdoors and fishing in particular. My ideal vacation is snorkeling in the Caribbean. If not, I go fishing at the lakes (see the photo :) ).

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