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Bug Improvement Suggestions

Do you have ideas on how to improve bug reports submitted by fellow testers? Here is how you can suggest improvements.

Evgeniya Graich avatar
Written by Evgeniya Graich
Updated over 4 months ago

Have you ever reproduced a bug of a fellow tester and noticed missing information or inconsistencies in the documentation but didn't know how to communicate it? Or have you been part of a test with more junior testers who are lacking experience and you would like to offer them a helping hand? With our new bug improvement suggestion feature, you can easily help fellow testers enhance their bug reports.

While suggesting bug improvements, focus on enhancing the quality of the bug report to increase its chances of being accepted. Please refrain from evaluating the validity of the bug report itself.

How to suggest a bug improvement?

If you open another tester's bug report that is in an "editable" status ("awaiting review" or "manager question"), you will see an option to suggest an improvement.

If you press the "Suggest improvement" button, you will see the following form where you will be able to leave a comment for any field of the bug report:

You will need to leave an improvement suggestion for at least one field of the report in order to successfully submit it.

Once you submit your improvement suggestion, the bug report creator, as well as other testers and the Team Leader, will be able to see it.

You can edit your improvement suggestion later on. At the moment, you cannot delete your improvement suggestion once submitted (coming soon).

Ultimately, it is up to the bug report owner to decide whether or not to edit their report and incorporate your suggestions. There is no automatic text replacement possible at the moment (we're considering it as the next step).

How do I see improvement suggestions for my bug reports?

You will see improvement suggestions posted for your bug report in the "Suggestions" tab underneath your bug report.

The suggestions will be organized by the fields of your bug report, for which the improvement has been suggested.

It is absolutely up to you to decide if you'd like to edit your bug report based on the improvement suggestions of other testers. Ultimately, your bug report is your responsibility and it is your decision in which form you would like to present it.

You can also choose to receive a notification each time a new improvement suggestion is posted for one of your bugs, either via Email, in-app, or both. You can manage your notification preferences in your tester account settings.

As a bug owner, you can also mark improvement suggestions made by other testers as "helpful" or "unhelpful".

This information will ONLY be visible to you. The improvement suggestion creator or other testers in the test will NOT be able to see your reaction. This information will help us evaluate this feature and help us shape future iterations of it, so we highly encourage you to leave reactions to all of the improvement suggestions you receive 🙏. Help us do better!

Why should I suggest bug improvements?

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much."

- Hellen Keller

You, our testing Community, are very diverse individuals with different strengths and skills. All of you also have different levels of experience and expertise in the field of testing. With this feature, we are aiming to promote more cooperation and collaboration on our platform and provide you with an easy way to show support and lend a helping hand to your fellow testers.

Why not share your knowledge with a less experienced tester and help them on their testing journey? Ultimately, the better results you as a team can provide to the customer, the more tests by more customers we'll be able to offer you.

By suggesting improvements to the bugs that you reproduce, you can also increase the chances of this bug getting approved, and therefore your reproduction getting paid.

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