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Bug Report Confirmation

What is Bug Report Confirmation, how to receive and execute this task?

Tina Bungert avatar
Written by Tina Bungert
Updated over 5 months ago

What is Bug Report Confirmation?

Bug Report Confirmation is an individual bug action to provide more certainty or extra information about a bug to the customers. When a customer looks at a newly reported bug, they can send a request to confirm and reproduce the bug again – outside of the test cycle. This is possible for functional, visual and content bugs and also for bugs reported in test case tests.

You will be asked to retest the bug and deliver your feedback directly to the customer, whether the bug exists as described, on one of the requested devices. The process is similar to Bug Fix Confirmation, with some small differences; for example additional requests for information (e.g. your screen size) or for specific attachments (e.g. showing your internet speed).

How to unlock a Bug Report Confirmation task on the platform?

You will qualify for this additional task once you pass the Bug Report Confirmation course, submit over 50 bugs and 100 reproductions, and achieve the Silver level or higher.

Where to find a Bug Report Confirmation task on your tester dashboard?

Once this task becomes available to you, you will see a new menu item for "Available tasks" in your left sidebar. This is where you can find individual tasks like Bug Report Confirmation and Bug Fix Confirmation. You will also see a new section on your dashboard with available Bug Report Confirmation requests.

How to execute a Bug Report Confirmation?

  1. When you see a Confirmation request on your tester dashboard, please click on it to access the request page. This will show you the bug title and attachment.
    In the right sidebar, you'll also find additional information such as the confirmation payout, metadata and the requested device.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click the button 'Begin' to continue. You will reserve this Bug Report Confirmation for the next 30 minutes, which means no other tester will be able to claim it during the reservation time unless you cancel it.

  3. You will be presented with the original bug report that was submitted in a test. Please follow the described steps to reproduce the bug.

  4. Once you have done this, choose the correct result option:

    • 'Bug exists' if the bug can be reproduced as described

    • 'Bug doesn't exist' in case you cannot reproduce the bug

    • 'Can't proceed' in case you are blocked due to technical issues or other problems that prevent you from executing all steps of the original bug

  5. Please also fill in the other fields that are requested:

    1. Leave a comment for the customer about your confirmation. Shortly describe the actual result and helpful details in your own words. Be precise and only include relevant information about this specific bug from the user's perspective. When you are blocked, please mention the issues that block you.

    2. Select the device and/or browser you used for the confirmation

    3. Additional information fields that only appear in some confirmations. The customers can choose specific information that helps them evaluate the bug better. Currently, the choices are: Screen Size, Browser Version and/or an open question defined by the customer.

    4. Upload an attachment showing your execution of the Bug – a screencast when any action is required, a screenshot for UI issues. Please note that the attachment should adhere to our general attachment rules on the platform.
      Pay attention to specific attachment requirements you may find above the upload button. The customers can choose them for further insight into the bug. Please make sure your attachments follow those chosen requirements. By recording your screencast in a specific way or by adding one or more additional attachments.
      Possible requirements are: Show internet speed in screencast, Show console in screencast, Use an external camera, Add crash log
      To show your internet speed you should open a related page at the beginning and end of your screencast, e.g. via
      If you cannot fulfill an attachment requirement please explain in the general comment field.

  6. Clicking the 'Submit' button will forward your report to the customer. Please note that you cannot edit it afterward, so make sure to only submit it once all the fields of your Bug Report Confirmation are filled in correctly and you've uploaded the right attachment.

You can also cancel a Bug Report Confirmation request at the bottom of the page, in case you cannot execute it. This action will unlock the request for other testers.

Please note that your feedback will go directly to the customer, so please make sure to document it professionally and according to our general rules on the platform.

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