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Bug Report Payout

How are your bug reports paid?

Evgeniya Graich avatar
Written by Evgeniya Graich
Updated over a week ago

When you participate in one of our tests and find a valid bug on the given test environment, go ahead and submit a bug report. The amount you earn per bug report depends on its bug type and severity. You can find detailed information about the different bug payouts for each test when you open the test overview page and check the payout table in the right navigation bar. For example:

Payout table for different bug types and bug severities

The team leader will review your report and approve it if the following requirements are met:

  • Your report meets our standards of quality and contains all required information.

  • You followed all test instructions. 

  • The bug is in scope, so its bug type/severity is requested by the customer according to given features, test description, and potential chat information.

  • The bug has not already been submitted by another tester before you ("duplicate").

  • The bug is not listed on the Known Bugs List, where reports from previous tests are added.

Note that you are only paid if your bug report is approved by the team leader (see exceptions here).

After the customer has reviewed all forwarded reports or 10 days have passed (the bugs will be auto accepted in this case) and the test has been archived, it will disappear from the left navigation bar below your profile picture. This is when a bill item for your overall earnings in this test is added in the Test Archive. You will also receive an email with a test summary where all your earnings in that test are listed. Increasing or decreasing the bug severity by the customer won't have any impact on your bug report payout.

Note that you will receive a 10% bonus payout only if the customer manually reviews bugs from the test cycle. In the case that the bugs were auto accepted, you will receive only a base payout.

The payout for the test will be added to the bill of the month in which the test took place. So, for example, if a test takes place in January, your payout for it will be added to the January bill that can be requested between February 11 and February 19. More information about this process can be found in our Payment Process article. 

Note that the severity of your bug report can get downgraded by both the team leader and the customer. If TL downgraded the severity of your bug, your payout will be adjusted according to the new severity. In the case that the customer downgrades your bug severity, the bug payout and 10% bonus will be calculated on the base of TL's decision.

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