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Bug Report Status

What does my bug report's status mean and what's the next step?

Markus avatar
Written by Markus
Updated over 3 months ago

Review process

  1. After you file a bug report, it will have the status Awaiting Review. Now the Team Leader has to review the bug report.

  2. If the Team Leader has further questions, the bug report status will change to Request by Test IO. Once in the request state, you have 24 hours to edit the bug report and add the requested information.

  3. If a request was sent to you and you edited the bug report, the status will revert to Awaiting Review. The Team Leader will once again review your bug report and make a decision.

  4. If your bug report is not legitimate, not well-documented, or if you didn’t respond to a request within 24 hours, the report gets Rejected by Test IO. If you are convinced the Team Leader's decision was wrong, you can use the dispute feature.

  5. In all other cases, the Team Leader will approve the bug report and its status will change to Forwarded to customer. It’s now the customer’s turn to review your bug report.

  6. Customers can also ask for more information. The status will then be Request by customer.

  7. If the customer accepts the bug report, its status will change to Accepted by customer.

  8. If the customer rejects the bug report, its status will change to Rejected by customer.

Note: the tester can delete their own bug report only if it has NOT been reviewed by the Team Leader yet.

Bug Statuses

  • Awaiting Review: The submitted bug report is awaiting review by the Team Leader.

  • Request by Test IO: The Team Leader has sent a request for more information within the last 24 hours. The request is still pending.

  • Forwarded to customer: The bug report has passed the Team Leader's review and the tester receives the bug payout. The report is visible to the customer and ready for customer review (within 10 days after the test end).

  • Rejected by Test IO: The Team Leader rejected the bug report with a specific reason. The decision can be disputed.

  • Request by customer: The customer has sent a request for more information or clarification within the last 24 hours. The request is still pending.

  • Accepted by customer: The customer reviewed the bug report and accepted it. The tester receives the customer bonus payout of 10%.

  • Rejected by customer: The customer reviewed the bug report and rejected it. The tester still receives the bug payout due to the TL decision.

  • Archived: The customer did not actively accept or reject the bug report, so we archived the report in the system.

Prior-Acceptance “Guarantee”

Please note that the fact that an issue has been accepted in the past (either by the Team Leader or by the client) does not guarantee that the same issue will be accepted in all future tests.

Of course, our aim is to evaluate all errors in a comparable way, but it cannot be completely ruled out that something has been overlooked in the past or that new information has been added in the meantime.

Some examples of situations where your bug will be rejected even if a similar bug was accepted in the past:

  • The Team Leader accepted a bug but he wasn't sure if it was a valid bug or not and the customer left a commentary explaining it was indeed intentional behaviour.

  • The customer accepted a bug and did not add the report to the Known Bugs list, but left a commentary explaining the requirements have changed.

  • The instructions of the cycle have changed (always read the instructions carefully).

  • You were bonused once in a dispute but the dispute manager asked you to not submit that particular bug anymore.

  • Anyone from the team (the Team Leader, the CSM or the customer) asked you to not submit more issues in the chat.

  • The overall Test IO rules have changed and the information of the new rules can be found in the Academy.

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