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Purchase Reports

Quickly learn how to submit a Purchase Report

Zorica Micanovic avatar
Written by Zorica Micanovic
Updated over a month ago

Purchase Reports are a type of bug that has only one severity level, which makes it easier for testers to classify them. Test instructions will always specify the requested action for each Purchase Report, making it easier for you to understand what needs to be tested and reported. The Payout information will be displayed in the right sidebar of the test instructions.

Submitting Purchase Reports

To submit a Purchase Report, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the Test Session for the relevant cycle.

  2. Read the corresponding Feature description.

  3. Click on the Submit Report button located in the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Select the appropriate Feature.

  5. Under the Report type select the Purchase Reports.

  6. Click on the Go to external report page button.

  7. You will be directed to an external report page specifically designed for Purchase Reports.

  8. Once the form is complete, click on the Create report button to submit the Purchase Report.

Note: Make sure that your Purchase Report Attachments always ad here to our general rules about Bug Report Attachments.

Filling in a Purchase Reports

When filling in a purchase report, you will have slightly different fields to fill in compared to our regular bug report form. Also, you will need to choose between Selecting a transaction or Registering a transaction:

  • If you have used a card issued by Test IO, then please select Transaction from the Select a transaction dropdown menu.

  • If your transaction is not on the list or if you're using a different card, please select the button Register a transaction.

Select a transaction

As we already said above, if you used the card issued by Test IO, then in order to fill in the Purchase Report you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Transaction: Open the "Select a transaction..." dropdown menu, and select one of the transactions from the list.

  • Order confirmation number: as the name suggests, please add any order ID or confirmation number you got when completing the purchase.

  • Purchased item: describe the item purchased, whether it is a regular item or a subscription product.

  • Notes: Please add as much relevant information as was requested in the test instructions. Usually, customers will request the type of checkout (guest or logged-in user), the credentials used, the email, and other information that identifies your order.

  • Attachments: Here, you must upload one or more screenshots of the order as evidence you completed the requested task. Order confirmation pages, emails, and card statements are all relevant attachments that could be included. Please make sure that your attachments follow our rules from the Bug Report Attachments article.

Note: You must blur ALL your sensitive information from the screenshot, such as unmasked card information, your real address, and other PII (Personally Identifiable Information), but make sure the relevant order information is not hidden in your screencast when removing the PII from it.

Register a transaction

If you used a different card, or your transaction is not on the list, you will need to register a transaction. In this case, you will need to select a "Register a transaction" button, and fill in the following fields:

  • Payment method: select the payment method you used to complete the transaction.

  • Last 4 Digits of Card: here, please add the last 4 digits of the card that you have used.

  • Payment processor: add here the name of the payment processor, related to the payment method selected previously. For example, if you used a Mastercard Debit card to complete the transaction, the payment method is "Debit card" and the processor is "Mastercard". Adding the name of the bank that issued the card is also relevant for some customers.

  • Amount: In the first input field, please add the currency code (For example: If you purchased something in US Dollars, you will need to add USD, if you purchased something in Bitcoin, you will need to add BTC, etc.), and in the second input field please add the value.

  • Purchase date: select the date that you completed the order

  • Order confirmation number: as the name suggests, please add any order ID or confirmation number you got when completing the purchase.

  • Purchased item: describe the item purchased, whether it is a regular item or a subscription product.

  • Notes: Please add as much relevant information as was requested in the test instructions. Usually, customers will request the type of checkout (guest or logged-in user), the credentials used, the email, and other information that identifies your order.

  • Attachments: Here, you must upload one or more screenshots of the order as evidence you completed the requested task. Order confirmation pages, emails, and card statements are all relevant attachments that could be included. Please make sure that your attachments follow our rules from the Bug Report Attachments article.

Note: You must blur ALL your sensitive information from the screenshot, such as unmasked card information, your real address, and other PII (Personally Identifiable Information), but make sure the relevant order information is not hidden in your screencast when removing the PII from it.

Best Practices for Testing and Attachments

  • Read carefully the test instructions and feature descriptions. If something is unclear or not straightforward, reach out immediately to TL or CPC and ask for clarification. Do not proceed on your own.

  • Make sure that your attachments always meet our Bug Report Attachments rules and requirements.

  • Blur all sensitive information, such as unmasked card information, your real address, and other PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in your attachments. If the video (screencast) needs to be blurred, you can use some free tools such as Clipchamp on Windows, and iMovie on macOS for blurring.

Managing Purchase Reports

After submitting a Purchase Report, you will have the option to make edits if necessary. In case a mistake was made, or the report is no longer relevant, testers can also delete the Purchase Report.

It’s important to note that depending on the test instructions, there may be instances where you can submit multiple Purchase Reports during the test cycle. Always follow the provided guidelines to ensure accurate reporting.

Note: After opening the external page, a "pending" report will be opened in the Test IO interface. If you close the external report page without submitting the report, the pending report will still be in the Test IO interface. You must then edit or delete the report to avoid TL rejections.

Team Leader Processes for Purchase Reports

The Team Leader is responsible for reviewing and forwarding Purchase Reports, just like other bug types. If a Purchase Report does not meet the criteria or is not relevant, Team Leaders have the option to reject it using the same reasons as they would for other bugs. They can also interact with Purchase Reports by requesting additional information from testers, leaving comments, and even liking the reports to acknowledge their contribution.

However, there are some restrictions on Purchase Reports, such as no reproduction and no list of similar bugs.

If you disagree with the decision of the Team Leader and you don’t have a Dispute block, you can submit a Dispute. It will be reviewed by our respective Dispute Team.

Purchase Reports offer an excellent opportunity for testers to contribute significantly to the improvement of real payment testing. By understanding the process of creating, submitting, and managing these custom reports, testers can effectively identify, and report issues related to purchases, ensuring a seamless and reliable user experience for customers. So, embrace this new feature, and let’s work together to enhance the quality of our application’s payment functionality!

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