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Bug Dispute Feature

How to find and open the dispute feature for reports on our interface

Markus avatar
Written by Markus
Updated over 8 months ago

Our bug dispute feature lets you dispute team leaders' decisions if you think that their assessment was incorrect. More about dispute option, and how to open a dispute, you can find in the follow-up text.


Once you submit a dispute, the report gets locked and the team leader can no longer change their decision or the details of your report.

A member of our experienced dispute staff will make a final decision based on your given information. Dispute managers take all information into consideration including submitted reproductions.

Please note that the dispute manager cannot reopen your report and cannot send requests for more information.

The dispute manager’s decision won’t be reviewed again. Also, please keep in mind that you can submit only one dispute ticket per report.

What to include in your dispute message

Consider the following guidelines for a successful dispute:

  • Refer to the rejection reason.

  • Help the dispute manager review your case by providing all important information and by pointing out test instructions.

  • To prove the team leader wrong, provide additional proof. Upload another attachment to a cloud service and share the link in your dispute message.

  • Keep your request as short as possible but as detailed as needed. Longer messages don’t increase your chances of winning the dispute.

  • Don’t cite rejection reasons or whole feature descriptions because it unnecessarily lengthens your dispute message.

Our Bug Dispute Team:

  • The dispute will be reviewed by our dedicated dispute team, comprising two experienced managers.

  • These managers specialize in resolving Disputes and are not active team leaders.

  • With their strong IT background in QA and software development, they bring valuable technical expertise to their role.

  • Their extensive experience in the crowd-testing industry, spanning over 9 years, equips them with deep knowledge of the platform's rules, including the academy, bug assessment sheet, and guidelines for team leaders.

How to open a dispute

  1. Open the rejected or downgraded bug report.

  2. On the bug report view, check the blue/green bar at the bottom of the screen.

  3. If you spot a button called “Open dispute”, you can currently submit a dispute ticket for that bug report. If not, check the Restrictions section to understand why. 

  4. Click the “Open dispute” button. 

  5. Enter information for the dispute staff. Explain why you think this decision should be changed.

  6. Submit your dispute.

  7. The dispute staff will check your ticket until the 2nd day of the following month.


The “Open dispute” button won’t be available if you are not allowed to submit a dispute. This may have several reasons:

  • The 72-hour time frame to open a dispute is already over.

  • You are blocked from using the dispute system in the current month.

  • You already submitted one dispute for this report.

  • An automatic bonus is paid to you due to a customer rejection.

Note that the bonus will arrive after the test gets archived

Bug Dispute block

On the second of each month at 12 am Berlin time, we calculate how many of the disputes that you submitted in the previous month were accepted. If less than 60% of them got accepted, we will have to block you from using the dispute system for the ongoing month. In that case, you will automatically get unblocked exactly one month later (on the second of the following month at 12 am Berlin time).

The above does only apply if you submitted five disputes or more in the previous month.

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