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How Test Invitations Work

Quickly learn how the invitation system works.

Zorica Micanovic avatar
Written by Zorica Micanovic
Updated over a week ago

How do your Quality and Reliability Scores impact the number of invitations you get?

Once you pass the Onboarding process and become an approved tester, you will start getting invitations for tests based on your Device list: for Greenhorn and customer tests. As time progresses, gaining knowledge and active test participation will allow you to achieve higher Quality and Reliability scores.

Proving yourself as a good and reliable tester will grant you a place in our special tests with an increased payout and the team of our best testers. We invite testers only with Quality and Reliability above 60% for some tests. For tests where we want to impress our customers, we invite only testers whose Quality and Reliability are above 75% (in some cases, we even target only those above 80% of Quality and Reliability as per customers' requests).

How do your devices impact the number of invitations you get?

The more devices you add to your tester profile, the more test invitations you see on your tester dashboard. In some cases, this might not be true, however. If you have an old device with outdated software, the chances are high that you will rarely get an invitation to test with it. Over time, our customers update their default device lists to include the most relevant and popular device configurations on the market.

Don't limit your testing by installing only 2 or 3 browsers on your testing devices. The more browsers you install, the higher the chances that the customer will be interested in the specific device configuration. You can edit your device and add more browsers to your tester profile. You can get more test invitations once you update the list of devices with all your devices and browsers.

How do your location and languages influence the number of invitations you get?

Our customers are distributed worldwide. Their specific requirements for testing sometimes include targeted locations. In this case, the specific device and location of a tester are what we consider for test invitation distribution.

Note: It's important to add all the languages you understand and speak to your tester profile to ensure you get all relevant invitations.

How do we invite testers who match all the criteria for a test?

Once the list of testers who match the criteria of the customer's request is generated, the system will invite testers into the test. The number of required testers directly influences the number of invitations the system will send. If the customer decides to use a certain segment of testers, the invitation system takes over the logic and invites testers as per instruction. Only in special cases will the Community Manager manually add testers to the test.

How do invitation waves work?

The first wave of test invitations is launched one hour before the test starts. The invitation waves will continue until all the seats for the requested devices are claimed. If you don't get the invitation immediately, don't worry. The system will continue inviting testers until the desired number is reached.

Note: If you get a promotional email for the test and still can't join it after it starts, all seats were already taken by other invited testers who were faster.

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