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Tester Career Path

How can testers develop their careers on the Test IO platform?

Evgeniya Graich avatar
Written by Evgeniya Graich
Updated over a week ago

Your career as a tester on the Test IO platform can take different turns. In order to make it more visual and transparent what your career path could look like, we would like to present the Commitment Curve of the Test IO Community that shows how over time your commitment can grow, which will allow you to take on different roles and develop in certain directions. 

Keep in mind that this is only one possible career path – some of the steps can be skipped or substituted by each other.

Your path as a tester at Test IO starts by going through the sign-up process and entering the Onboarding stage. In order to pass the Onboarding courses and become an approved tester on the platform, you need to read through our educational resources carefully and learn our rules and requirements. 

After successfully passing the Onboarding courses, you are now a full-member tester and will be invited to participate in our paid customer tests. For the first 50 bugs that you submit as an approved tester, you are known as a 'Greenhorn' on our platform. It is still a learning stage, during which you will receive additional support and requests from Team Leaders and get invited to our special Up-skill training tests, in which you can deepen your knowledge about testing and our quality requirements.

To help you learn more about testing we will invite you to join our tester Community in Discord. The Discord Community Server is a hot spot for the latest announcements, sharing additional educational resources, platform updates, and Community news. This is also where our Community members can connect to each other, communicate (also in their mother tongues), ask each other questions, share news connected to testing and technology, and share tips on how to become a better tester. 

After passing the Greenhorn stage, we will evaluate your performance and decide if our cooperation is successful and if we can continue working with you on a long-term basis.

Our testing Community is very important to us and therefore we are constantly organizing various Community projects that you can take part in by writing short articles and blog posts, as well as creating educational videos for our YouTube Academy, becoming part of our Discord moderator team, participating or organizing one of our online events, e.g. workshops, or attending an offline meet-up that can also be fun and educational and bring us as a Community closer together. 

Becoming a Great Tester is a very important stage of your path as a member of our testing Community. More information about our Great Tester initiative and what requirements you need to fulfill to become one can be found in the corresponding article.

A test IO Brand Ambassadors’ mission is to spread the word about our platform and perks of being a freelance tester, to increase our presence in social media, and to help us grow our multi-national Community. 

Many of you ask us how you can get promoted to a Team Leader on our platform. We are regularly looking for talented testers with the potential to become Team Leaders within the Community. In order to get a chance to apply for a Team Leader position, you need to be one of our Great Testers first as well as show engagement and enthusiasm in the Community life. We have already hired Team Leaders from the Community and will continue to do so in the future!

Becoming a Team Leader does not mean it is the end of your career path at Test IO. You can take on more roles and responsibilities once you become part of our Team Leader team and further advance your career!

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