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Let me introduce: Community Manager Olha
Let me introduce: Community Manager Olha

Interview with Community Manager Olha

Irina Lebedzeva avatar
Written by Irina Lebedzeva
Updated over a week ago

Community Manager Olha

Hello, Olha! Most testers don't know much about your work as a community manager because you work more with TL. Tell us more about your daily work tasks, what your job is.

Yes, this is true. My job is to tune the Team Leaders team’s activities. I check TLs’ KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) on a constantly basis. To see where we do something right where we do something wrong. To improve the process for TLs, to release some new features for them in the TL Interface.

What do you like the most about your job and what is the hardest part?

What I like the most is communication with lots of people around the world.

We have an amazing team of our TLs. All of them are freelancers from all around the world, who share with us the passion about Test IO. I learn a lot from them as well. It’s amazing that during the day I could chat to them and ask - How do you do? What is the weather in Brazil? How is the situation in Thailand?

Our testers could know not much about our TLs, but they are really great! They often worry about testing quality, about testers and customers. So, I like my job, first of all, because of them. The hardest part - is communication as well. Unfortunately, there is a human factor in crowd testing and we have to find the best solution for each case we meet.

How do you spend your free time? Do you have a hobby?

My free time is dedicated to my family, since I am mom of two. I like every outdoor activity and try not to waste any free minute. The thing I like the most is travelling.

Because of the war in my country, in Ukraine, I moved to Poland and opened this amazing country for myself. It turned that Poland has amazing places to visit - cities, landscapes, mountains, castles.

How would you describe yourself?

Oh, what a tricky question! I am open and kind person, for sure. Let say - I am an optimist who like people and don’t stop dreaming.

A few more questions to get to know you better: Three favorite books or author

My favorite books are The Great Gatsby, Eat.Pray.Love, Small Prince.

What is your ideal vacation?

My ideal vacation - is a mix of travelling to a new places/cities/countries and opportunity to relax a little bit. Ideally to spent some time near the see and visit all the interesting spots around.

What was the last place you visited in Poland?

For the last 6 months I have visited a lot of cities. For example, I stayed for a weekend in Tatry mountains last month and explored the most famous landscapes. This part of Poland is just amazing. Mountains, lakes, hot thermae. Everything you need to recharge a battery!

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