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3-Warning Policy

How many warnings do I receive for not following directions within Test IO's platform?

Sviatoslav avatar
Written by Sviatoslav
Updated over a year ago

We aim to continually improve our community as a workplace and to protect our testers' interests by not tolerating abusive behavior. Therefore, we have a disciplinary policy in place.

All violations of our testing rules, abuses of our system, or abusive behavior towards other testers can lead to warnings and even permanent bans. These bans can come without any warning and will be applied to severe cases like insult, manipulation of attachments or breaking the rules listed in our Terms and Conditions.

For less severe cases our policy defines three stages:

  • Warning 1: The Support Agent contacts the tester via email and explains the reason.

  • Warning 2: The second warning leads to a 1 week suspension of the tester's account.

  • Warning 3: As of consequence a third warning, the tester's account is permanently banned.

The Compliance team determines the severity of the violation.

Note: This policy is not about testing abilities or rejected bug reports.

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