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Bug Alert! ❝Splints-Casts❞ Link Gone Woof But Fear Not, Reporting Heroes to the Rescue!

Kostya avatar
Written by Kostya
Updated over a year ago

LEVEL UP Your Reporting

Get ready to dig into this bug mystery! We’ll find out everything there is to know, from the title to the results and beyond. So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s get started!


Pets Details.

Bug Type:

Content Bug.


On Herbert G Wells's dog page, the ❝splints-casts❞ link redirects to the 404 Error (page not found) when the user clicks on it under the "My Story" section.



  1. Hover over “Foster” in the Navigation and click on the “Available Foster Pets” from the drop-down

  2. Click on the first image (Herbert G Wells dog)

  3. Scroll down until the “My story” and click on the “splints-casts” link

Actual result:

When the user clicks on the link ❝splints-cats❞ (under the "My Story" section), he will be redirected to the 404 Error (page not found).

Expected result:

After clicking on the ❝splints-cats❞ link the user should be redirect to a PDF page that expands information on the split casts recovery or provides more details on Herbert G Wells's dog.

Rule of Thumb:

  • A bug report title should be descriptive, not instructional. Focus on describing the bug instead of what the user does on the website.

  • The title should not have information already collected by the bug form, like the feature selected, the testing device or the browser used. Unless the issue is only presented on one specific browser or if the customer requested to specify the OS/Browser combo in the title, like [Win10/Chrome].

  • The actual and expected results start with describing the problem encountered or the anticipated behaviour. Refrain from summarising the title or steps as they were previously mentioned.

Practical task for you:

Pick one of our #BugsExplained shorts and identify the seven sections above.

The more you practice, the better you'll get at bug reporting!

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