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Greenhorn 💚 insider Issue #105

An example of a Low-functional bug: Endless loading after product quantity increases | Cart Listing Page

Charlie avatar
Written by Charlie
Updated over 2 weeks ago

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Example of a low-functional bug.

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Exemplary Bug Form



Bug Type:

Low functional


Endless loading indicator appears after increasing products with only one item left in stock



  1. Click the "Search" icon in the header

  2. Enter "Brazil Cup Bra" in the "Search" field

  3. Click the "Brazil Cup Bra" item in the search suggestions list

  4. Click the "Add to cart" button

  5. Click the "Check Out" button in the mini cart

  6. Click the cart icon in the header

  7. Click the "+" button in the "Quantity" box

Actual result:

The quantity changes from "1" to "2" in the "Quantity" box, but an endless loading indicator appears on the cart page after increasing the product quantity. This happens because there is only 1 item left in stock, as indicated on the "Brazil Cup Bra" product detail page.

Note: workaround simply refresh the page or proceed to checkout.

Expected result:

A relevant message should be displayed, instead of the endless loading, on the cart page indicating that only 1 product is left in stock when trying to increase the product quantity.

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