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An example of a Content bug: Broken image icon within slider | Home

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Written by Charlie
Updated over a month ago

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Example of a content bug.

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Exemplary Bug Form



Bug Type:



Broken product image is shown in the "New products" slider on the homepage



  1. Scroll down the page to the "New products" carousel.

  2. Click the "Back" arrow button to navigate to the "Body Aerial Hoop Print for children and adults Purple" product in the carousel.

Actual result:

The "New products" slider displays a broken image icon instead of a product image for the "Body Aerial Hoop Print for children and adults Purple. "

Expected result:

The "Body Aerial Hoop Print for children and adults Purple" product should display a properly loaded image within the "New products" slider, with no broken or missing icons, as the other products do.

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